
Showing posts from March, 2021


 MUSEUM AND HERBARIUM MANAGEMENT (A Book of Techniques & Skill Development) This is one of the comprehensive textbook that could be offered to the students at vocational training and university education (at level-I First Degree) and ecotourism & wildlife programmes. ABOUT BOOK Museum and Herbarium play a very vital role in the research, conservation and preservation of socio-cultural and biological life of any country. It not only generate awareness regarding the importance of cultural aspects of life , but also provides vital information regarding biological aspects of life.  The book has been designed and developed keeping in view the requirements of aspiring museum and herbarium personnel.  It covers the syllabus of most of the schools, universities, training institutes and skill development centres across the world. The main aim was to provide guiding and learning assistance to young budding students and teaching professionals. The book covers various aspects...

Awash National Park, Ethiopia

  Awash National Park, Ethiopia One of the most beautiful national park in Ethiopia(Africa). It has variety of wildlife species; a magnificent valley; Awash River; Awash Waterfall; Awash Museum; Awash Logde (Eco-friendly accommodation inside) and many more to offer you. Accessibility : Well connected by road. Accommodations : available inside the park as well as outside in the town area. Shopping : Indigenous Crafted Items Available. Awash Park Museum Awash Waterfall Awash Valley Escort/Guide Facility available on demand and booking in advance. Ethiopia has many things to off er... STAY SAFE AND DO PLAN TO TRAVEL..