The Half Face Mask and Jain Philosophy : Validation Of Truth And Non-violence Through Corona Pandemic

The Half Face Mask and Jain Philosophy : Validation Of Truth And Non-violence Through Corona Pandemic.

Chiranjib Kumar, Gambella University, Ehiopia

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30271.43682


The half face mask is deeply linked with Jain philosophy particularly to  the Shwetambar Jain monks. The article is based on review of literatures and lectures delivered by well known saints of Jain philosophy. The inference  drawn from research validates the scientific theory of using masks by Shwetambar Jain monks not only to protect them but other organisms too from infection and killing.

Key words: Corona, Face Mask, Jain, Pandemic, Philosophy, Solution


The face mask has now become life saving equipment. The role of mask during Corona pandemic can’t be ignored. From a well known scientist to a simple health worker, everybody has been advising to wear mask to reduce infection from Covid19. Whether a person has taken one dose of vaccine or two dose of vaccine or else booster dose, still it’s advisable to wear mask. The world health organization(WHO) has been recommending mask  since the beginning of the Corona pandemic. The questions are ,

Q. Why do we need mask?

Q. Why does medicines or vaccines not showing the effective results?

Q. Why all different types of scientifically proven theory have been surrendered before mask?

Q. What is mask?

Q. Do we have any information regarding historical usage of masks?

Mask not only protects from infection but also protect  from dust, pollutants, and microorganisms. Mask also remind  to follow the path of truth and Non-violence.  Let’s have a look on following Sanskrit notation (verse) 

 सत्यं वद। घर्मं चर। स्वाध्यायान्‌ मा प्रमदः।’ (‘Satyam vada; dharmam chara; svãdhyãyãn mã pramadah)’

–which means ‘Speak the truth. Lead Righteous Life(philosophical). Never be idle in your studies’ (Taittireeya Upanishad: 1/11)

Mask and Jain Philosophy

Mask has been interlinked with Jain philosophy since ancient time particularly to Jain monks. They used to wear it on mouth to feel the essence of speaking truth. The main reason behind wearing mask was to follow the truth and non-violence in their speech, lecturers and sermons.  Speaking out truth is the only way to protect ourselves and the world from devastations and catastrophe. Performing non violence inside out could save the world from global warming, climate change and pandemics.  Nature is full of violence. But we have to be different because we are human. Here different doesn’t mean selfishness and self development. 

Mask is known as Muhapatti in Jain philosophy. Shwetambar (Murtipujak) Jain monks wear the Muhapatti to avoid unwittingly kill the insects or living beings through the process of breathing. A muhapatti is used to cover the mouth. It promotes non-violence of the tiny organisms that are there in the air and are harmed/troubled by speaking bare mouth without the mask. While reading scriptures and talking to elders, it prevents spitting of saliva and  do not causing any dis-respect. The Jain(Shwetambar) people started wearing masks thousabds years ago. The attire of white mask symbolizes the practice of truth and non-violence. Jain people mostly don’t eat after sunset, because in evening lights(night lamp) will attract insects that could accidentally be swallowed while eating. Muhapatti(mask) considered as one of the religious accessory with a long history, used by Indrabhuti Gautama, a ganadhara(Gautam Swami) -chief disciple of Lord Mahavira, the 24th Jain Tirthankara, according to the canonical text Vipâka sûtra, adhyayana. According to Jain philosophy wealth is a kind of burden that a human being procure to transfer to next generation before he dies. Jain people are famous for doing big business  but at the same they also focus on charity to satisfy their vows. 

Q. Have we ever think that why do we need to wear the mask?

Q. What force us to wear it? 

One should keep it in mind that wearing masks have become compulsion for us and even it has been imposed on people by the concerned government organization to control the spread of Corona (Covid19) disease.  It is said prevention is better than cure. And such thinking could be seen in the thousands year old philosophy which is popularly known as Jain philosophy. The example of wearing mask was predominant in this philosophy even thousands years ago. Globalization and modern world should take serious lessons from such time of time proven theory of Jan philosophy.

Mask and other religions/philosophy

Many people connect mask with religion and have been trying to make it religious issues. But even best part of any religion  (philosophy) which evoke well being of people and have scientific value should be accepted. Only superstitious things should be ignored. 

Q. Is it that masks are a religious matter?

Mask is religious matters because a particular segment of people described it as religious and making it more personal. Some people politicising it to suit their agenda of divide and rule. In some Islamic countries Niqab has been made mandatory for the woman. Many masks are primarily associated with ceremonies that have religious and social significance or are concerned with funerary customs, fertility rites, or the curing of sickness. Other masks are used on festive occasions or to portray characters in a dramatic performance and in reenactments of mythological events. Masks are also used for warfare and as protective devices in particular activities or during inclement weather.

The culture of wearing masks found in many religions of the world. But the purpose of wearing mask was occasional and culturally dominated in most of the religion(philosophy) or culture. The Jain philosophy is the only philosophy where wearing mask could be linked scientifically.

               (source: mskaysartworld)


Mask has many names and multiple usages. But the scientific linkage with Jain philosophy during last thousands of years can’t be ignored. The word religion seems like controversial due involvement of many rude religious teachers and superstitious priest. But good philosophical thoughts of any religion should be accepted without any discrimination. Any philosophy which helps in healing the pain of the world through compassion and non violence should be adopted without any hesitations. Mask may not be a part of any religion but philosophically and scientifically if it could help in peaceful survival and building humanity than it need to be honoured and accepted without any segregation on the name of God or Lord’s or saints. The Jain philosophy has validated the context of mask wearing scientifically in present scenario of Corona pandemic.


Any generalised idea is not right due to variations in size, goal, changing perceptions, literatures reviewed and region followed.

Direction For Further Research

Further research must direct itself for conducting such investigations. This will make the applications more meaningful to make present review and opinion more effective. Further the views suggested are macroscopic, and this can be further extended to microscopic level. 


The President, Vice President Academic, Dean College of Agri/N/ Resources, HOD of Wildlife and Ecotourism, Gambella University, Gambella, Ethiopia.


Wear Mask- Stay safe and healthy..


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